Media kit
Our brand assets
Grab our official Dribbble brand resources and learn about usage guidelines.
Our name
The name Dribbble came about from the dual metaphors of bouncing ideas and leaking your work. Within content, Dribbble is spelled with a capital D.
Our logos
We’ve provided vector versions of our logo and mark for certain uses listed below.
Do’s and Don’ts

Please don’t do this
Don’t use these graphics to brand your own website or application.
Don’t manipulate the logos or imply sponsorship, endorsement, or false association with Dribbble Holdings Ltd.
Don’t use any other artwork from our site without explicit permission.

By all means do this
Use these graphics to link to Dribbble.
Use these graphics when mentioning Dribbble in an article or in print.
Use these graphics to promote your Dribbble profile.